Xpress’ Women-friendly App Features

For every goal-oriented, strong independent woman juggling life and work on a daily basis, commuting to and from work is already a concern that they have to deal with everyday. As such, the last thing they want is to worry about their safety. Thankfully, the newest ride-hailing app in the Metro, Xpress (Cebuana Lhuillier’s sister company) is up for these requirements–ensuring secured service is provided by its partnerdrivers and offers features that will create a more women-friendly experience.

Rigorous partner driver screening: Every partner driver prior to being activated in the
Xpress app is asked to present documents such a professional driver’s license and NBI
clearance to ensure that they are of good moral character and eligible to ferry customers.
Vehicle verification: Every vehicle in the Xpress platform, be it motorcycle or 4-wheel, needs
to undergo checking to determine if they are properly registered and insured which provides
an added layer of security.

Secured Rides: Aside from the usual “Share” location option for customers, passengers can
nominate up to three (3) emergency contacts. They can add their trusted contacts who will be
notified during a trip.

Customer and driver rating: Once a ride is completed, customers can rate the ride or the
partner driver. At the same time, drivers can also rate their passengers. This is to ensure that
inclusivity is maintained within the app.

Driver and vehicle information transparency: By providing detailed information about the
driver (name, photo, license plate number) and vehicle within the app, gives customers
assurance that the partner driver that will ferry them to their destination is an authorized
partner driver of Xpress.

In-app chat option: With the in-app chat feature incorporated in the app, communication
between the customer and the driver is made easy, minimizing wait-time, and allows faster
and seamless correspondence between the two.

Aside from this, for any customer-related concerns and queries, they can easily send a
message via chat and a customer service representative is ready to address their concerns.

These are only few of the many features of the Xpress app that aims to create a more
inclusive and accessible experience for all its customers. As Xpress continues to improve its
services, women of all walks of life are considered, making sure women can travel with ease
and confidence via Xpress!

Elize Banez
PR and Content Specialist
Posted by
Elize Banez
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